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The Sacrifice

Updated: Feb 25

"Come on ya' rats," called a guard as he unlocked their cage.

One by one the company was dragged out in irons. Escorted by the captain of the guard, they marched through the dungeon, through the maze of death stone. Up an inclined slope that tunneled through the caverns they were led.


The company darted their eyes all around.

The sound echoed through the walls, making the dust tremble.


Jakana's face contorted as she drew in a sharp breath.

"Do ya' hear that," boomed the captain of the guard, "The ceremony is about to begin."

The guards shoved them onward. Soon, they approached an archway lit dimly. The door gave way to an arena crowded with roaring fallen elves.

Drums rolled.

They were forced through the crowd and up the stairs of the ruined coliseum. The company of prisoners were shoved against the wall.

Horns blared as the black-iron gates opened. Erebus strode out of the gate tall and proud.

A slew of herculean elves hauled a large black vault to the center of the arena behind him.

He hushed the crowd, "My people," he rang out, "we have gained power beyond what was thought possible by most in the world. We have never been so near to complete power of all magic!"

Elves bellowed.

"However, one thing remains to the key to obtaining our birthright. An old, rare magic, that our ancestors discovered years ago shall be performed at this hour. I give you the Rite of the Mazikeen!"

The gates opened again. Two guards dragged forth a red, limp creature on the death stone floor. The creature was wounded and had thick, wet, black locks atop its head.

Abigail grimaced, “What is that?”

The guard reached for the beast’s dark mane and wrenched its head upward. Behold it was not a mere beaten beast, but a man.

"My people, I give you Kaan, Lord and King of the Kiedon."

"Kaan?!" Logan's face ran white.

The company gasped as they peered at Kaan. Nausea swept through their bodies.

"How?," Kyrith whispered as she trembled.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT, EREBUS!", Zandeer shouted.

The fallen creatures erupted, "THRASH HIM!!!" they chanted.

Erebus cackled and turned toward the guards, "To the table with him!"

The guards dragged Kaan to the table. They threw him down and began to beat him. Soon, they strapped him down and mocked him.

Suddenly, a smaller door to the right of the large gate opened to reveal a slender figure moving forward. As the figure stepped into the orange light, it revealed its spiraled, ochreous mane and dimmed veins on her fair flesh.

Logan's heart sank.

Ariston huffed, "What? Why?!"

Kyrith's countenance froze in place so not even a breath could escape.

Abigail's brows furrowed.

Erebus withdrew an old key from his black cloak and placed it in the keyhole. With a few turns of his wrist, CCCCLLLLIIICCK CLICK!

The vault unfolded and curtailed until but only a small stand remained with a jagged, stone blade a top it.

He took his gloved hand and pulled the dagger from its resting place. The turned toward the crowd again, "And now, Avena will complete the rite by slaying her old king with the Forbidden Blade".

Erebus placed the blade in her hand.

Upon its touch, Avena's eyes gave way to darkness. All color was stripped away, and goodness faded into beast-likness. An evil grin formed on her face. She lept forth on Kaan and bore her fangs near his torn flesh. A soft tiger’s taunt emitted from her lips.

The crowd grew louder as they anxiously awaited the red spill.

Ariston tried to fight himself free.

Logan's heart began to pound as the tension grew amongst the crowd of evil and the protests of his companions. His body perspired.

Avena roared as she plunged the blade into his heart.

Kaan gasped and groaned.

Avena bore her teeth again as she drove it further into his chest. Her leer surfaced again.

A single tear fell as Kaan looked at his lost companion and turned his head toward the team's position.

Logan could feel the gaze of his leader on him. He watched as Kaan's eyes faded from blue to black as death.

Kaan was gone.

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