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Updated: Feb 25

Avena shivered in her cold dark cell. Moon beams shone down through a lonely sky-hole.

Erebus strode into her quarters. His yellow eyes searched her. "You are quite difficult to find, well, people like you." He moved closer, "You are special, Avena, Daughter of Afsin."

Avena sucked in her breath as his figure came into the light.

Erebus grinned, "There's no need for fear, child."

"You think I fear you," she spat.

"You have something I want, Avena."

Avena scoffed, "What do I have that you could possibly be so desperate for?"

"Your magic, Avena, is the rarest of magics. Not many are left of your blood to carry the gift. If you but give me your power, I will spare you, your friends and your king."

She stiffened.

"Perhaps I am not making myself-clear...", Erebus growled. With a wave of his hand. Avena was heaved into the air and dropped on her front side in a moment to the stone ground. She moaned as she attempted to turn over.

Erebus waved again, this time dragging her across the floor, traces of rock ripping her porcelain skin. Her left side smacked the wall. He lifted her again and threw her backside to the other wall.

She lifted her head, revealing a black mark on her cheek bone. Avena grabbed her head and whimpered.

"Let's try this again, shall we?," Erebus cooed.

Avena heaved, "No! I can't!"

He growled, "Would you like to tell your father that?"

Avena's terror filled eyes lifted toward the dark elf, with her insides rattling like the charms of a fey garden blowing in the wind. Her breath staggered.

"Would you like to tell him that the blood of all your people, your family, is on your hands?"

She starred at him, paralyzed.

Erebus narrowed his gaze again. His fists balled together and glowed blood red. As Erebus began to twist his hands, red coils crept to her head and abdomen. They burned themselves through.

Avena felt as if her brain was being torn apart. Her core was being slowly skewered by a branding iron. Her body threw itself backwards. She released a blood curdling scream and rolled around on the filthy stone.

Erebus smirked as he tortured the young elf. Deeper and deeper he drove the coils.

Fear paraded itself through her brain, plowing its way to her soul. The blue luminescence in her veins began to fade.

"Okay! Okay", Avena wept, "I-I'll-I will do it."

"Erebus grinned, "Good choice." He moved closer, his shadow swallowed her frame.

Avena hung her head and sobbed as the darkness enveloped her broken body.

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