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Song within a Song

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

”At one time, the realms were unified,” Avena spoke, “humans and elves traveled freely between each of them, exploring, building lives.“

“Yes,” Takara spoke, “Keahi made us, elf and human, like him. He established us in our realms and provided a way for us to find each other. When we did, we made history together, tethering our lives intricately, even putting our history into songs of-“

“You put your history to music?!” Fritz exclaimed.

”Yes,” Takara replied, "It is our tradition."

Ariston chimed, "Each song is passed down through generations. It is taught in the home and in the schools. Makes it easier and more fun to remember."

Fritz lifted his head, "Can you sing it?"

Their friends exchanged glances.

"Oh, please do," Fritz begged.


Ariston closed his eyes and smiled slightly. He drew a breath and from his lips came a melodic tenor voice.

Before the world, sat you upon the heavens, upon the stars. From there you spun the wind into form, your heartbeat echoing through the vastness.

I will remember your footsteps among the clay; remember the the fire your eyes which set ablaze my soul. Your beauty burns like the flame upon an oil well.

I can still smell the fragrance of your garments as you passed me by.

You greet the dawn with a kiss of splendor. Your light calls forth creatures from their slumber, even the deepest beasts. It ushers me into your heart.

None are like you in any way. Nor in love, nor peace, nor justice, nor honor, nor joy, nor mercy, nor grace. Your passion is unmatched, nature and character unchanging. At the sound of your voice and the step of your foot, tremors rush through the realms. All creation is aware of your presence. Not one creature escapes it, even the lowliest. All the thousands of stars in the sky together could never outshine you. From your heart you reach to me, I am unable to avoid your touch. These things i will treasure forever in my heart, written on tablets of flesh.

Among the realms avast, none have been found that are worthy to sit upon the throne of the ages. ‘‘Tis you, oh my King! The One has been found at last!

The winds summoned the cinders to its arms in a slow waltz above their home. They swayed up and around the elves and humans.

Logan's heart trembled in awe. The world, all of a sudden, was alive. He glanced over at their beloved leader, who was moved in ways words couldn't bear to convey.

Gently the refrain came to a close. The life surrounding the company wound to a rest.

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