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Fallen Realms:

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. Kaan's Father created the 3 Realms, including his crowning glory, elves and humans. There was the Realm of Elves, the Realm of Man, and Realm Prime-The Valley of the King, where all traveled freely between the Realms, and could walk in the midst of the King. The King was in process of creating more when Erebus, his chief commander, tried to claim the Throne from Kaan's Father. As a result, he severed the perfection of all the Realms.

The Realm of Man lost all magic. Overtime, mankind began to see magic as make believe and the truth of their creation and purpose was lost.

The Realm of Elves was plagued by disease and dark monsters arose (dragons, sea serpants, drifts, and basilisks). Some fell to Erebus' influence, using their magic for evil. Others escaped to Prime, making their once beautiful realm into one of death and destruction.

Kaan's Father vowed to redeem and restore the fallen Realms/Kingdom to himself someday.

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