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Chapter 3

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Logan tidied up various areas in the house over the next two hours, while Abigail sought the annihilation of every dust particle and chip crumb on the premises, including her own room. No sooner did she let Spector outside, her brother sought to let him back in on none other than her freshly mopped floor. Muddy paw prints covered the white tile. Abigail showed the dog to his house in the back mud room and mopped again, after giving him and Logan a scolding. After a few hours of laboring, the entire downstairs smelled of Lysol and bleach. Everything was perfect. She sat down on the couch with her half-full hydro flask, breathing in the cleanliness. Her body slouched on the cotton surface. BUUUZZZ! Abigail moaned in agony as her phone interrupted her perfect moment of silence. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Just a few minutes of no noise. That’s all I want,” she whined. She picked up her mobile. Brook was on her way. So much for another 10 minutes of chill time. Abigail stood and ran up to change her clothes. Hearing her brother’s ACDC resounding in the bathroom, she pounded on the door. Moments later, Logan opened up. “What, Abby Nicole? he griped. Abigail rolled her eyes, “Brook is on her way. Hustle up, LJ”, she teased. “DON’T CALL ME THAT!!!,” he growled as she walked away. “Hurry up”! “Fine, I’ll be down in five!” After a warm shower, Logan lounged on the couch in shorts and a t-shirt, glued to his phone. Kevin’s text loomed over him. Opening the messages again, Logan read the strange inscription. “Weird”, he thought, “very weird”. He exhaled and reclined his head on the back-rest and lifted it again. The electronic box in his hand glowed with their uncanny arrangements inscribed on the screen. "Tonight is going to be-.” BRRRIIINNG! Logan jerked his head from its frontal position while Abigail ran to the door. He took one last look at the phone, then dimmed its light. The door opened and giggles bubbled from Brook and Abigail’s lips. She had arrived with a glass chest of diabetic heaven, a two liter of coke, and sac full of movies, as usual. Abigail welcomed her in and took the items from her, as she kicked off her shoes, and placed it on the kitchen counter. “Hey, LJ,” she cooed in a soft voice, entering the living room. Logan smiled and jumped up from the sofa, “Hey, Brookie! What’s up?” “Nothing much since I last saw you”, she chuckled as he hugged her. Logan released his grip. Heat rose to his face and butterflies filled his stomach. Brook squinted her eyes, “Are you okay? Your face is a little red there”. Oh, gosh dang it! “Oh yeah, I’m totally fine. I’m just a little, uh, h-hot. I mean, it is summer.” Come on man, pull yourself together! She’s like a cousin or something. His peripherals noticed his twin failing epically in an effort to pull her composure together. One could chide her, but honestly, what good would that do? It’s Abigail. Logan quickly shifted the gears, “Okay, so you brought what?” Realizing that he had done so, Brook shook her head, “ Oh, uh, I have oreo-cheesecake bites and some pop.” “Well, we need other substances. How about some pizza”, Abigail chimed in. Logan and Brooks’ mouths watered, “Yeah, that’s great!” The two shared a brief moment of eye contact and broke away. Attempting to break up the awkwardness, Abigail volunteered, “Alright, I’ll call it in. Y’all want pepperoni and cheese, right?” “Sure thing. Oh, don’t forget the cheesy bread,” he reminded her, “It’s not pizza night without it! And please get an extra large.” “Yeah, yeah,” muttered Abigail as she dialed the phone, “I know you’re a pig”. Abigail moved over to the kitchen window, “Hi, I’d like to place an order…” “Hey, I brought movies that I thought we could all agree on,” Brook whispered as she sat on the floor. Logan joined her. The grocery bag was nearly bursting out the seams. “Holy smokes!” “I was at the store earlier, getting stuff for tonight, and I thought, ‘gee, I wonder if they’ve got some cool movies out’. So, I stopped by and-” She whipped out none other than the newest Star Wars movie: The Force Awakens. Logan gasped, “OH MY GOSH! You bought this for us?!” He paused. His eyes widened. Brook’s face became a roller coaster, her thoughts visible. You’re so stupid, Logan. “I didn’t mean like for Abby and I. I-I-I, uh, meant like, the three of us. Ya’ know, like Abigail, you, and I”. He let a nervous guffaw come escape his throat. “Yeah, of course, us,” she laughed. Abigail’s loud footsteps came around the corner, “Popcorn, anyone?” “Oh come on! Why did you have to kill Han?!” Abigail sat ranting on the couch, while Logan and Brook sat in shock at the evil deed of Kylo Ren. The live art on the screen shifted its focus to the heroine. “That’s just retarded!” “Yes, Abby, we know,” Logan groaned. “I just don’t get why they had to kill Han. I mean, it would have been better if he got his arm cut off or something,” she continued. “What should’a happened was Rey should have just shot Kylo Ren after noticing his grip tightening and that look on his face. Then, Han would have grabbed the lightsaber and thrown it away.” Brook then added, “Well, he probably would've just used the force to get it back and kill Han anyway.” “Still”, she argued, “it would have been more epic”. As the movie drew to an end, Logan glanced at his phone. Eight forty five. He stood and stretched. “Whoa, it’s quarter ‘till nine!” “Already,” Brook exclaimed. “Time flies, man,” Abigail said as she stood. “Anyone down for a round of President?” Logan glanced at his phone again. Eight forty seven. “I would, girls, but I have a call at nine.” “Oh”, she nodded, “yeah, you don’t wanna miss it.” “That’s okay, guys. I should probably head home,” Brook said, as she began to gather her things. “I have an interview at ten at R&P tomorrow." The twins helped her carry leftovers to her car and embraced. “Good luck with the interview, Brookie,” Logan shouted as she pulled away. They reentered their home and closed the door behind them. A pizza box was left on the kitchen counter and blankets were strung on the couch. “Hey, I’ll grab the blankets if you get the pizza box,” Abigail yawned. “Okay.” He folded the box, tossed it in the trash. “So”, his twin began, Logan’s heart scrambled for its proper rhythm. Sweat threatened his scalp. “You don’t normally call people this late. What’s up?” He paused. “Yeah, but tonight I’m just, uh,” his brain searched for the most passive excuse, “just catching up with Kevin.” Her eyes grew wide. “Kevin? We haven’t heard anything from him in a hot minute. How is he?” “Okay, I guess,” he responded nervously. “Abigail’s brows rose to her hairline as she crossed her arms. “I mean, he’s just catching up with me. I got a text from him earlier and he said he wanted to talk.” He shrugged again, “I don’t know what about. But I’m sure he’s fine, missing home I guess”. At least he hoped so. “Maybe,” she yawned. A thought blew on through, “A big maybe.” He glanced again at his phone. 8:50pm. “Yeah, but I better, uh, hop to it. Good night.” “Good night, Logan.” Logan treaded up the stairs.

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