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Chapter 2

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Tree-branch shadows danced on the blue-grey carpet of the study nook. The wind whistled outside the window as Logan reclined on the long cushioned bench, with a pen and journal lying in his lap.

With a yawn, Logan opened the leather-bound Chronicles of Logan Paul Johnson and began yet another account.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Day three of summer vacation, and there has been nothing but rain and thunderstorms. Unusual for this time of year. I haven’t even been able to have a clear look at the night sky. My family and I have been cooped up in the house, except for when we have to go out.

I have some coping mechanisms. There is a library full of wisdom and entertainment, a phone full of passion, and a cabinet full of classics, pretty much to my self. Sector seems to enjoy the extra attention and biscuits.

The German shepherd-collie mix was lying at his feet on the window seat, warming them.

My family has succeeded in getting me to socialize though. We have family movie nights, games nights, and meals together, somethings we didn’t get often this school year. Mom still goes to court in the mornings while dad hits up his office in town, leaving Abigail and I to our own. I stick to a good book or two, while she does her collage of interesting activities.

Girls: I am not about to understand them anytime soon. I mean, some are prim and proper and afraid to break a sweat (quite literally), and there’s ones who can be nearly perfect. Then there’s my sister (the nonconformist). How she has Chloe (the nerd), Tiara (the guidance counselor), Brook (the peaceful dreamer), and April (the guardian angel) as friends, I’ll never get. In fact, I am convinced that I will never understand people in general.

Logan peered out his window again. The weather continued its tantrum. Sector whined at his feet, as he reached to pet him, “It’s okay, buddy”.

He reached for his phone on the cupboard counter behind him. Opening up to his messages, he tapped on the one he last sent to a friend, Kevin Lars. Weeks had passed between their last conversation. January 29, 2016.

His eyes once again fell on the water on the half visible shield.

It’s still raining. The yard has puddles ankle deep. My window has fogged up, though I can still see a few remaining drops holding on for dear life. The tree limbs by my window moan under the force of the wind. Lightning streaks across the sky, shattering cotton clouds.

I can’t help feeling like this is the beginning of the end of something. Like, things are about to change, but I don’t want them to-sort of. Something is coming, something that I can’t explain or understand. Who or what in the world would want to change anyth-

“Logan,” Abigail called,

“AHHH,” his body sprung up in shock as a body attached to a defibulator. Sector dashed from his cozy lounge.

Abigail shared in the shock. Sweat soaked through her workout clothes and her ponytail was disarray. Trying to catch her breath, she cleared her throat, “do you wanna watch a movie? Mom and Dad are going out tonight, so it’s just you and me. I could ask if we could have the girls over and we could have a game night.”

Logan stammered, “Y-yeah that should be fine. Just, uh, ask Mom and Dad first”.

His sister peered suspiciously, “Is everything alright? You aren’t normally that startled by me”.

Hesitantly, he replied, “Yeah, I’m totally fine”.

“Okay, well, ya’ sure?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Aren’t ya’ gonna call the girls?”

“Yeah, except for April, she’s on her way to the airport.”

Logan placed his journal off to the side and rose. “Do you want me to ask Mom and Dad?”

“Sure,” she called from down the hall, “just ask if they can hang out for the evening!”

“Alright!” Logan reached for his phone. Upon the open, he read a text message from his childhood best friend, Kevin Erikson, “Dude, let’s talk. We gotta…”

Puzzled, he responded, “Yeah, man. Let’s talk. When are you free? Is everything okay?”

He shifted to call his dad. It didn’t take long for a pickup, “Hey, son, what’s up?”

“Hey, can, uh, Abigail and I were wondering, since you and mom were going out tonight, if we could have the girls over for a movie night.”

“You miss Brook already,” he teased.

“Ugh, dad, you know she’s just a friend, for one, and for two, it was Abigail’s idea to have them over.”

“Uh-huh. Well, I don’t see why not. What time are they coming?”

“Abigail was supposed to be texting them”.

A message then interrupted the conversation. Logan checked-Kevin. “I’ll explain later. I’ll call tonight at like 9ish.”

Anxiety gripped his heart again. What could be-

“Logan, ya’ there, kid?”

“Ye-yeah, dad, I’m here still,” he stammered.

“Okay, well don’t forget to lock the doors. We’ll be late getting home”.

“Sounds good. See ya’ later”.

“Alright, bye. I love you”.

“Love you too, bye”. He hung up and heaved a heavy sigh.

He had missed Kevin since he moved to Philadelphia with his mom after the divorce a couple years ago. They had spoken often since then, but the past few months had been odd. Distance had grown. The answer to why would just have to wait until tonight.

Abigail came bounding up the stairs, “Hey, it looks like just Brook is coming over tonight. Chloe is sick and Tiara is working this evening. What did they say?”

“Dad said it’s fine and that they aren’t getting back until late tonight. What time is she coming?”

“Um, like 6:30. That’s plenty of time to get spiffy,” she winked.

Logan groaned, “Would you stop, please?! I’ve known the girl my whole life and she is more of a sister to me than anything”.

Abigail grinned and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, sure she is”. She turned the corner and leapt down the stairs.

Logan rolled his eyes and scoffed, then looked at his friend’s message once again. What is going on? Why has Kevin been acting so distanced, until now?

“Logan, please come help me with cleaning!”

He snapped out of his trance. Logan closed his journal again. Thinking can wait until nine o’clock. At least he had a good movie and Brook to distract him.

“Coming, Abby!”

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