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Light Call

A cry that reached my ears, piercing the drowning echo of deathly silence here; my bellowing to my flesh, "Awake!" My eyes at first beheld a light. "Dawn so soon is here," I asked myself. To my occurrence, 'twas not the dawn, but the heavenly place before me.

Seraphs filled the heavens with light as the sun with the dawn. "Holy, holy, holy is the lamb that was given, the precious lamb," they cried out. Their feet ascended and descended the throne stairs of heaven with jubilee. "Holy, holy, holy!"

The foundations of my heart began to shake.

"Go, and see the lamb," they said. My flesh carried me with the speed of a thousand horses, over hills and plains, my heart as grains on the threshing floor.

A lone stable. A lone man. A lone woman. A lone babe, swaddled and lying in a manger.

As I looked into the eyes of the child, he knew me in a moment. Glory crashed into my once blinded eyes. Never has my mind conceived that I would live to hail and see the promised King.

Behold, today, here be the King of Kings; the one who's dawn was long since awaited, and now by all is hailed.

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