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I See

I see you dancing with a little girl, arrayed in pink. Her hair in a single braid, twirling and laughing. She is your pride and joy.

Your laugh and your smile radiate in a way I have never seen before. Now you understand the love of the Father.

I watch in amazement, as God heals my hurting heart through your precious smiles. God's glory is reflected before my eyes.

I see in you a man of strength and joy, a proud and commanding presence in our house. You have your identity as a son established, and thus from you comes an establishment of identity in our daughter. Under your cover, she grows up like a rose. Her beauty has room to show.

Your gaze falls on me. The look in your eyes says that you are complete.

I see in you life, that which can only come from the giver of life.

I see you.

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