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Calling Me Away

Cries awaken me from my slumber. Grief as I have never heard or felt before.

I inwardly sympathize, feeling as though it was far away, and my eyes folded once more.

The sound drew nearer, and, oh, so much more dreadful, mournful!

To the window I rise, a dim streetlight shining through the windowpane and blackout curtains.

The silhouette of a woman faintly moves in the shadows. She

staggered up her lowly steps, collapsing at the top.

I gasp quietly.

The woman scoots herself upright against the door, but she can barely breathe. What can escape her lips is agony, total deprivation.

I recognize this woman. It's the same one I have seen around but have never once spoken to.

She turns to me. Her face imprinted with hands and stained with tears.

At once my heart was rent, but what could I do?

All the more her cries rose above the city noise.

With one "yes," with a simple surrender to you, you carried my feet out of my home and into the wild street that night for the one you lost

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