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Updated: Apr 16

All creation cries, "Worthy is the Lord"! Their DNA has been rewired to praise.

The ground lays down its emerald cloak. Naked before you it lies, forever and always.

Let all creation, in all kinds, of all kinds, worship the Lord, who alone is worthy of all praise. Come all waters, anoint your King! Come four winds, kiss his face! Come fire from the depths, gaze upon the light of all life! Come earth, meditate in his presence, at his feet!

Yes, come all ye beasts and blossoming flowers. Worship the Lord, for he is worthy.

Even so, let the descendants of Cush bring their drums, Oh, that the peoples may hear the King's heartbeat. Let the people of the sea bring forth the fruits of their labor, that all may taste and see his goodness. Let the kings of the east come crown him with many crowns, that man may see his splendor and majesty. Let the warriors of the northern hills shout with triumph, that all may hear the Victor's song that sends strongholds crashing down. Let the southern clans sing and dance, that his passion may strike the hearts of men. Let the western sons abide with him in joy and demonstrate his wisdom. Let all men see that he alone is worthy.

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